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Post: Future Date

12/31/9999   Post

This post lives in the future and is dated Fri Dec 31 00:00:00 9999. When building Jekyll with the --future flag it should appear.

Exclude Post from Search Index

11/28/2017   Jekyll

This post should not appear in the search index because it has the following YAML Front Matter:

Layout: Header Video

01/23/2017   LayoutUncategorized

This post should display a header with a responsive video, if the theme supports it.

Gemified Theme – Beta Release

10/06/2016   Jekyll

Hot on the heels of Jekyll v3.3.0 is a beta release of Minimal Mistakes… as a gemified theme.

Gemified Theme – Alpha Release

09/21/2016   Jekyll

Jekyll themes distributed as Ruby gems are finally here to make installing and upgrading much easier. Gone are the days of forking a repo just to “install it...